The CFQor series of Quarter-Brick DC-DC converters are high efficiency converters designed for those medical applications that require isolation and leakage current levels complying with IEC60601-1 for CF patient contact. They are also defibrillation proof.
Product Features:
• High Efficiency, up to 93% at full rated load current
• Industry standard quarter-brick pin‑out configuration
• Reinforced Insulation
• 4250V, 100MΩ input-to-output
• CF Patient Contact
• Defibrillation Proof
• -40°C to +100°C Operating Temperature
• Industry standard pin-out configurations and standard footprints
Ordering Information:

Brochure: https://www.synqor.com/document-viewer?document=Medical%20Brochure.pdf
Datasheets: https://www.synqor.com/product-guide/medical/dc-dc-converter